Answers to Patient Questions About Damon Braces

February 16, 2016

As orthodontic technology advances, there are more and more alternatives to metal braces available to individuals considering Park Avenue braces . The Damon System of braces is a newer choice presented to patients that offers a more comfortable solution. Below are some common questions patients have when learning about the Damon System.

How Do Damon Braces Work?damon braces Park Avenue

Similarly to traditional Park Avenue braces, Damon braces work to create straighter teeth by having a system in place to move your teeth into optimal position. Damon braces are self-litigating, meaning they are braces that do not use elastic bands. Instead, they provide treatment without the need for tightening of wires.

How Long Does Treatment Take?

Since Damon braces use a sliding mechanism to keep the wire in place, teeth are able to move more quickly than they do when traditional elastic treatments are in place. In some cases, the similar outcomes can be achieved with Damon braces in half the time traditional metal braces might take.

Are Damon Braces Painful?

Traditional braces use friction and pressure to move teeth, which can lead to slower treatment and cause more discomfort. Damon braces use more natural forces that actually cause less pain, even though this system works faster!

What are the Benefits of Damon Braces?

Damon braces are less bulky and designed to be more discreet than traditional braces. There is even a clear braces option, giving them a nearly invisible appearance. Since they do not use elastics or wires that need to be tightened, the Damon System also means fewer appointments during treatment. In traditional braces, plaque buildup is more common and can make proper dental hygiene harder to perform. However, without the elastics that plaque is attracted to, brushing and flossing is easier with Damon braces.

Dr. David Seligman is a leading orthodontist and advocate of the Damon System. For more information about the benefits of Damon braces near NYC , call Dr. Seligman and Seligman Orthodontics at (646) 681-3086.

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